The Secret Behind Developing Great Conference Content

The following article is written by Lindsay Wickham, Best Practices for Oil & Gas Conference Producer.


The current state of the oil and gas industry is a complex multitude of changes from technology innovations, economic shifts and growing competition. As industry leaders are quickly discovering, this new landscape requires a diversity of thinking and a higher risk tolerance. These new expectations cannot be met without adequate technology supporting them and supplying intricate roadmaps for digitization.


The annual Best Practices for Oil and Gas Conference (#BPOG) is centered on the leadership, technology, ideas and innovations that are literally transforming the oil and gas industry. Each year, we conduct a new round of research to learn what’s driving business and technology decisions among oil and gas customers this year. We interviewed over 60 oil and gas industry professionals and thought leaders to distill their insights into our 2018 Research Report (click here to download the final report).


In early March, we also hosted two face-to-face Think Tanks in Oklahoma City and Houston, which hosted over 40 participants across the country. These roundtable-style sessions allowed members of the oil and gas community to network, discuss challenges and share stories where they have found success. Together with feedback collected in one-on-one phone calls with customers over the past several months, Eventful Conferences compiled the information shared in our research report that outlines challenges and reflects the project priorities within the oil & gas industry. The report will be used as the blueprint for the Best Practices for Oil & Gas Conference.


Some of the important topics we uncovered in this year’s research include: the future of innovation – AI, IoT, Big Data and Machine Learning; robotics and automation; analyzing business trends using analytics; differentiation through technology; the path to S/4HANA and more.


We’re looking for companies with innovative projects who are willing to share their stories of success (and lessons learned) with participants at the BPOG conference. If you have a project you’d like to propose for consideration on 2018’s agenda, please submit during the open Call for Papers. This is a great opportunity for you to share with peer organizations who can learn from your implementation.


You can still be part of this body of research and give us your thoughts on what the oil & gas community needs! I am eager to connect with anyone who wants to contribute their voice to this year’s research or who is interested in pitching a session idea for consideration at the annual conference. Give me a call at 914-509-5354 or send an email to let me know your thoughts on the industry.


Our team is excited to learn about what’s on the minds of oil & gas professionals – because that’s what we’ll focus on as we work to build the agenda for this year’s event. Stay tuned for updates on #BPOG happening in San Antonio, TX on Sept. 18-19 by following @BP4OilGas!







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