Success Stories inside SAP’s Oil & Gas Community

pexels-photo-87236One of the biggest and most valuable draws to any user conference is the community discussions. You have ample chances of networking with like-minded businesses experiencing the same trials and tribulations with SAP software. It also provides rare opportunities for peer learning, where case studies can be directly used to the benefit of your own business model. Through the following customer stories, get a sneak peek inside other oil and gas organizations to discover the insights and experiences you can potentially integrate into your own success story.

Company: Franklin Valve
SAP Solution: Business One
Success Story: Although it was still in its infancy stage, it only took a mere 6 years for Franklin Valve to begin growing exponentially. Business was booming at a 900% growth rate. As exciting as this success was, their physical space and limited manpower could not match up. They needed a more efficient system to assemble their valve orders. The answer was a mobile warehouse inventory management system, that tightened up assembly and significantly reduced process time. Their customized new system was an end-to-end ERP solution that covered everything from purchase, planning, production, inventory, and sales. The current efficiency is unsurpassed, catapulting the Franklin Valve name into international recognition based on strength and reliability.


Company: Engen Petroleum
SAP Solution: Enterprise Support
Success Story: Contending in a highly competitive and dynamic industry, Engen Petroleum knew ensuring excellence was nonnegotiable. However, they were experiencing technical challenges with their 26 million monthly sales transactions from convenience sites around sub-Saharan Africa. Turning to a larger solution to aid in operational efficiency and query performance, Engen Petroleum recruited SAP for their consulting in the form of Enterprise Support. They can now analyze high volumes of data to tackle issues before they impact customer experiences and have improved their overall profitability and market share.


Company: Pacific Drilling
SAP Solutions: Business Suite, ERP, Fiori
Success Story: Aiming to become the world’s pre-eminent deep-water drilling company, Pacific Drilling needed to combine the strength of a large, well-capitalized enterprise with the agility and flexibility of a small solution provider. Because their drilling takes place in remote deep water fields, safety is at the upmost priority. This combination of business challenges required a complex operating system. Enter, SAP HANA. Now, this 11 year old company is positioned with a great advantage in their marketplace as they’re armed with the ability to turn instant insight into action.


With all of these stories come great learning opportunities. Come hear more success stories from your peers at this year’s Best Practices for Oil and Gas at The Woodlands in Texas. Taking place October 16-18, you will not be disappointed in the vast opportunities for vibrant, thoughtful discussions amongst your industry colleagues.

Register today to join this educational empowering event and grow the digital tools needed to run your company more efficiently!


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