The move to SAP S/4HANA is an opportunity to evaluate the technology that underpins the core business of organizations. For most commodity-heavy organizations, their commodity trading and risk management (CTRM) system (or a collection of spreadsheets) supports one of the most substantial and dynamic parts of their organization: the supply and trading business.
Lack of integration of these systems into the core ERP has long been an issue. However, until recently, there was no viable solution for a fully integrated supply chain that both met the needs of the enterprise as well as the tailored, market-specific requirements of the trading and risk-management functions.
The SAP S/4HANA revolution provides an unparalleled opportunity to integrate data across the enterprise. As companies evaluate their moves to this platform, they should consider moving their commodity trading and risk management functions onto SAP.
At Deloitte, we bring together the industry and technical expertise required to move organizations to SAP trading and risk management. We understand how risk is measured and monitored, and we know how to integrate that into SAP using market-leading KPIs.
Key Business Benefits:
- End-to-end visibility of the commodity value chain, providing transparency
- “Single source of truth” for trading data, eliminating tradebook reconaissance
- A centralized enterprise platform that is “future proofed” for artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain
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