How Shell is Shaping the Future of SAP Oil and Gas Solutions

As the enterprise platform manager at Shell, it’s Frank Westerhof’s job to keep the SAP ERP systems running smoothly while identifying new products that will keep the company’s data environment healthy. In the 40-plus years Shell has worked with SAP, its ERP landscape had grown in scope and become uneven in places as the global energy giant acquired new companies. When Frank and his team looked at the future of their ERP, they saw clouds ahead.

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The Secret Behind Developing Great Conference Content

The following article is written by Lindsay Wickham, Best Practices for Oil & Gas Conference Producer.


The current state of the oil and gas industry is a complex multitude of changes from technology innovations, economic shifts and growing competition. As industry leaders are quickly discovering, this new landscape requires a diversity of thinking and a higher risk tolerance. Continue reading

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On-Demand Webcast: Devon Energy’s Ariba Implementation Journey

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Greg Dolezal – Senior Manager IT, Devon Energy

Devon Energy implemented SAP Ariba in 2015 to help manage costs due to the struggling oil and gas price environment. Since then, Devon has continued maturing the solution to include full Procure-to-Pay functionality which will go-live this month. Hear from Devon’s Senior IT Manager, Greg Dolezal, on their key learnings from their implementation journey plus get an update on where they stand today.

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Success Stories inside SAP’s Oil & Gas Community

pexels-photo-87236One of the biggest and most valuable draws to any user conference is the community discussions. You have ample chances of networking with like-minded businesses experiencing the same trials and tribulations with SAP software. It also provides rare opportunities for peer learning, where case studies can be directly used to the benefit of your own business model. Through the following customer stories, get a sneak peek inside other oil and gas organizations to discover the insights and experiences you can potentially integrate into your own success story.Continue reading

Filed under: Industry News

Critical Concerns of Oil & Gas Companies

oil rigThe current state of the Oil & Gas industry is a complex multitude of changes from technology innovations, economic shifts, and growing competition. Headlines sprawled across respected news outlets and research institutes alike scream phrases like “Prosperity Postponed”, “Slow Path to Recovery”, and “6 of the 8 top oil-pumping states hit recession“, leaving an abundance of questions surrounding the industry’s financial complexities and future business trends. Continue reading

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On-Demand Live Chat: Technology as a Vehicle to Competitive Advantage at Devon Energy

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Devon Energy’s Director of IT, Lane Hale, describes Devon’s most recent innovative technology implementations and how they are leveraging them to drive success. Stéphane Lauzon, SAP’s Director of the Oil & Gas Industry Business Unit, joins Lane and the Best Practices for Oil & Gas conference team as they discuss:

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