How Shell is Shaping the Future of SAP Oil and Gas Solutions

As the enterprise platform manager at Shell, it’s Frank Westerhof’s job to keep the SAP ERP systems running smoothly while identifying new products that will keep the company’s data environment healthy. In the 40-plus years Shell has worked with SAP, its ERP landscape had grown in scope and become uneven in places as the global energy giant acquired new companies. When Frank and his team looked at the future of their ERP, they saw clouds ahead.

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Filed under: Conference News, Industry News

That’s a wrap! Highlights of 2018’s #BPOG



As with every memorable year of the Best Practices for Oil & Gas conference, the 8th annual event flew by!

With over 650 energy professionals in attendance, there was an abundance of shared success stories, new business connections, and invaluable content presented.

Overall, 2018’s leading oil and gas conference for SAP-users was another monumental success for all in attendence. Here are a few highlights:


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Filed under: Conference News

Top Gains from 2017’s Best Practices for Oil & Gas Conference


2017’s Best Practices for Oil and Gas conference brought together dozens of thought leaders, hundreds of energy professionals, and top level executives straight from SAP. The result? An abundance of valuable content, profitable new business connections, and fresh perspectives on the entire state of the industry. All-in-all, this year’s show was a huge success for all in attendance. Take a look at the biggest takeaways that made #BPOG one of the top conferences for the oil and gas community.


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Filed under: Conference News

Session Highlight: BP’s Lead Architect speaks about Agile Architecture for IT Assets


At 2017’s Best Practices for Oil and Gas, attendees walked away with an abundance of in-depth knowledge from the subject-matter experts presenting at each session. In the Accounting and Finance track at this year’s conference, Noorddin Taj—the Lead Architect of Strategy at BP—gave a first-hand account of what defines a successful divestment, which in his words includes:

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Filed under: Conference News, Speakers News

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